Harvesting and Drying Lavender: Tips for Preserving Aroma and Quality

Harvesting and Drying Lavender: Tips for Preserving Aroma and Quality

Posted on June 26th, 2023

We are delighted to share our expertise in lavender cultivation with you. In this blog post, we will guide you through the captivating process of harvesting and drying lavender while ensuring that you preserve its enchanting aroma and exceptional quality. So, take a moment to relax, make yourself comfortable, and let's embark on a journey into the world of lavender.

Choosing the Right Time for Harvesting

Timing is a critical factor when it comes to harvesting lavender. To achieve the best aroma and quality, it is essential to select the perfect moment to pick the lavender stems. The ideal time for harvesting is when the flowers are in full bloom but have not yet started to fade. Look for vibrant, colorful blossoms with tightly closed buds. These are signs that the essential oils within the lavender plants are at their peak, providing you with the most delightful fragrance and potent qualities. By choosing the right time for harvesting, you can capture the essence of lavender at its very best.

To determine the ideal time for harvesting, closely observe the lavender plants in your garden or field. Watch for the point when the flowers reach their maximum bloom and color intensity. At this stage, the lavender petals should be lush and vibrant, exuding a captivating aroma. Avoid harvesting too early when the flowers are still tightly closed, as the essential oils may not have fully developed. Conversely, be cautious not to wait too long, as faded or wilted flowers may have a diminished fragrance and quality. Taking the time to select the optimal harvesting moment will ensure that you obtain the most aromatic and top-quality lavender for your drying process.

Tools You'll Need

Before embarking on your lavender harvesting journey, it's essential to gather the necessary tools. Equipping yourself with the right equipment will make the process smoother and more efficient. Firstly, you'll need a pair of sharp pruning shears or scissors. These tools will enable you to make clean cuts, minimizing damage to the plants and ensuring that the stems retain their vitality. Dull or blunt blades can crush or tear the stems, potentially compromising the lavender's overall quality. Additionally, prepare a basket or bucket to collect the freshly cut lavender stems. This container will help keep your harvest organized and prevent any unnecessary damage or loss. Choose a container with ample space and sturdy construction to accommodate a significant amount of lavender. Lastly, gather some twine or rubber bands to secure the lavender stems into bundles. These materials will allow you to neatly organize the harvested lavender and facilitate the drying process.

As you prepare your tools, it's also a good idea to consider personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves and long-sleeved shirts. Lavender plants can have woody stems and rough foliage, which may cause minor scrapes or irritation to your skin. Wearing gloves and protective clothing will help shield your hands and arms from any potential discomfort. With the right tools and protective gear in hand, you're ready to begin your lavender harvest with confidence.

Harvesting Lavender Stems

Harvesting lavender stems is an art that requires precision and care to ensure the plants' health and future growth. The proper technique not only benefits your current harvest but also promotes regrowth for the following seasons. To begin, firmly hold the lavender stem with one hand, ensuring a gentle grip that avoids any harm to the plant. Using your sharp pruning shears or scissors, make a clean, diagonal cut approximately 1 to 2 inches above the woody part of the plant. Cutting at the right distance is crucial for preserving the plant's vitality and encouraging new growth. Trimming too close to the base can hinder regrowth and weaken the overall health of the lavender. Leaving some foliage on the stem is equally important, as it aids in the drying process and helps maintain the plant's energy reserves. As you harvest each stem, take a moment to appreciate the natural beauty and delightful fragrance that lavender imparts.

When harvesting lavender, it is advisable to follow a systematic approach that ensures an even distribution of the harvest. Start at one end of the lavender row or cluster and work your way through, selecting the most robust and healthy stems. By harvesting systematically, you prevent any unnecessary overcrowding or damage to the remaining plants. It's also important to assess the overall health of the stems before cutting. Look for signs of pests or diseases and avoid harvesting compromised or damaged stems. By selectively harvesting the best stems, you'll contribute to the overall vitality of the lavender plants and ensure a successful harvest.

Bundle and Hang for Drying

Once you have successfully harvested your lavender, it's time to prepare the stems for the drying process. This step is crucial to preserve the aroma and quality of the flowers, allowing you to enjoy the captivating scent of lavender for an extended period. Begin by gathering a small bunch of lavender stems, typically around 20 to 30 stems per bundle. This quantity ensures manageable bundles that promote proper airflow and even drying. Holding the stems together at the base, secure them with twine or a rubber band. This bundling technique helps to keep the stems aligned, facilitating the drying process and minimizing potential damage.

Now that your lavender bundles are ready, it's time to find an ideal location for drying. Look for a cool, dry, and well-ventilated area where the lavender can hang undisturbed. Consider utilizing a space with good air circulation, such as a shed, attic, or unused room. Alternatively, if the weather permits, an outdoor covered area protected from direct sunlight can also be suitable. Hang the lavender bundles upside down, ensuring that the stems are suspended freely. This positioning allows gravity to assist in the drying process by encouraging the natural oils to flow toward the flowers. As the lavender dries, you'll witness the transformation of vibrant blooms into perfectly preserved treasures, ready to enhance your home or any other creative endeavors.

Monitoring the Drying Process

While your lavender bundles gracefully dry, it's crucial to monitor the progress regularly. Keeping a close eye on the drying process ensures optimal results and prevents any potential issues. Check the lavender bundles periodically for any signs of mold or mildew. Damp conditions or insufficient airflow can lead to moisture accumulation, creating an environment favorable for mold growth. If you detect any mold or mildew, swiftly remove the affected stems from the bundles to prevent further spread. Additionally, be aware of the humidity levels in the drying area. Excessive humidity can impede the drying process and negatively impact the lavender's fragrance and quality. If necessary, consider using a dehumidifier or other means to maintain the ideal drying conditions. By actively monitoring the drying process, you'll ensure that your lavender preserves its enchanting aroma and exceptional quality.

Testing for Dryness

After a couple of weeks of patiently allowing your lavender bundles to dry, it's time to test if they have reached the desired level of dryness. Gently touch the flowers and stems, assessing their texture and brittleness. Dry lavender should crumble easily between your fingertips without feeling soft or pliable. If the flowers and stems crumble at the touch, congratulations! Your lavender is perfectly dry and ready to progress to the next step. However, if the stems still feel slightly damp or pliable, it's crucial to give them more time to dry before proceeding. Rushing this step may compromise the aroma and quality of your lavender, so exercise patience and let nature take its course. By testing for dryness, you'll ensure that your lavender is at its peak before moving forward.

During the testing process, take a moment to immerse yourself in the enchanting scent of lavender. Inhale deeply and appreciate the fruits of your labor. The delicate aroma should transport you to a place of tranquility and relaxation, a testament to the success of your lavender drying journey. Remember that each batch of lavender may have slight variations in drying time, influenced by factors such as humidity, temperature, and the variety of lavender being dried. Adjust your expectations accordingly, and trust your senses to guide you toward perfectly dried lavender.

Removing the Flowers from the Stems

Now that your lavender bundles are thoroughly dried, it's time to separate the exquisite flowers from the stems. This step allows you to fully embrace the beauty and fragrance of lavender, unlocking its potential for various purposes. Hold a bundle over a clean, dry surface and use your fingers to gently strip the flowers from the stems. Take care to handle the flowers delicately, ensuring you don't crush or bruise them. When stripping the flowers, maintain a gentle touch, allowing the dried lavender petals to release their enchanting scent.

As you strip the flowers from the stems, take a moment to appreciate the intricate beauty of each bloom. Observe the vibrant purple hues, delicate petals, and captivating fragrances. Lavender is not only a treat for the senses but also a versatile herb with numerous applications. From culinary delights to fragrant sachets, the possibilities are endless. Collect the stripped flowers in an airtight container, such as a glass jar or a resealable bag, to preserve their captivating fragrance and exceptional quality. By separating the flowers from the stems, you unlock the true essence of lavender, ready to infuse your world with its beauty and enchantment.

Storing Your Dried Lavender

Proper storage is key to maintaining the fragrance and longevity of your dried lavender. By following appropriate storage practices, you can savor the captivating aroma and exceptional quality of lavender for an extended period. To ensure your lavender retains its delightful fragrance, store the flowers in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight and moisture. Exposure to sunlight can degrade the lavender's essential oils over time, diminishing its aroma and quality. Similarly, excessive moisture can cause the flowers to become damp, potentially leading to mold or mildew formation. Mason jars or other airtight containers are excellent choices for preserving the freshness of your dried lavender. Ensure the container is clean and dry before transferring the flowers, as any moisture can compromise the lavender's longevity.

Label the containers with the harvest date, allowing you to track the age of the lavender for future reference. Properly stored dried lavender can maintain its enchanting aroma and exceptional quality for up to a year, ensuring you can enjoy its beauty and benefits throughout the seasons. Whenever you need a fragrant boost or seek to infuse your surroundings with tranquility, reach for your stored lavender and let its captivating scent transport you to a place of calm and serenity.


Congratulations on acquiring the knowledge and tips necessary to harvest and dry lavender successfully! By following the guidance provided in this blog post, you are equipped to preserve the enchanting aroma and exceptional quality of this captivating herb. Remember, timing is crucial during the harvesting process, and employing proper drying and storage techniques will ensure a long-lasting lavender experience.

If you have any questions or require further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to us at (509) 737-7998 or via email at [email protected]. Our team is dedicated to supporting you on your lavender journey. Happy harvesting and drying!

How Can We Help You?

For any questions, concerns, or assistance with your order, our dedicated customer support team is here to help. We are committed to providing exceptional service and ensuring your satisfaction with our lavender products. Feel free to contact us during our business hours, and we will be delighted to assist you.